Wineskin definition
Wineskin definition

( fem., איבה / ey-vah ) Translation: HOSTILITY Definition: Conflict, opposition, or resistance overt acts of warfare. ( masc., איב / ey-vah ) Translation: FRESH.FRUIT KJV Translations: greenness, fruit Strong's Hebrew #: h.0003 Strong's Aramaic #: a.0004

wineskin definition

KJV Translations: enemy, foe Strong's Hebrew #: h.0340, h.0341 ( common, איב / a.y.b ) Translation: ATTACK (V) Definition: To be antagonistic or unfriendly to another.

wineskin definition

( איב ) Definition: The tent pole is pointed at one end and doubles as a spear which can be used against an enemy to defend (also a support of) the family. KJV Translations: long Strong's Hebrew #: h.2968 ( common, יאב ) Translation: WISH (V) Definition: A standing firm for what is desired. ( יאב ) Definition: The firm standing of the tent pole. KJV Translations: bottle, familiar spirit Strong's Hebrew #: h.0178 Relationship to Root: As hung from the pole of the tent. Can also mean "medium" as one who evokes the dead, possibly from their mumbling like the sound of wine being poured out of the wineskin. ( masc., אוב / ov ) Translation: WINESKIN Definition: A leather bag that holds wine. A spiritist (possibly from their mumbling like the sound of wine poured out of the wineskin) ( אוב ) Definition: The wineskin hangs from the tent pole. KJV Translations: abib, corn Strong's Hebrew #: h.0024 Also the name of a month in the Hebrew calendar. ( masc., אביב / a-viv ) Translation: GREEN.GRAIN Definition: Fresh young stalks of standing grain.

wineskin definition

Edenics: pa - an exchange from a b and p and a reversal of the letters KJV Translations: father, chief, families, desire, patrimony, prince, principle Strong's Hebrew #: h.0001 Strong's Aramaic #: a.0002 Relationship to Root: The support of the tent/house. The provider and support to the household. ( masc., אב / av ) Translation: FATHER Definition: A man who has begotten a child. Combined these mean "the strength of the house". Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph represents strength, the represents the tent. ( אב ) Action: Stand Object: Pole, Spear, Wineskin, Grain Abstract: Enemy, Desire, Hostile Definition: This can be the tent poles which hold up the tent, the house, as well as the father who holds up the family, the household.

Wineskin definition